

Landscapes and Scenery, Renaissance

7 Items Found | Page 1 of 1

Titian - Rape of Europa, 1562

Rape of Europa, 1562

Herri met de Bles - The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Herri met de Bles
The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Andrea Mantegna - The Virgin and Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist and Six Female Saints, about 1497-1500

Andrea Mantegna
The Virgin and Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist and Six Female Saints, about 1497-1500

Italian - Venus Wounded by a Rose's Thorn, 1500-1550

Venus Wounded by a Rose's Thorn, 1500-1550

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Bonifazio de' Pitati - Virgin and Child in a Landscape with St. Joseph, the Infant St. John the Baptist, and St. Elizabeth, 1520-1525

Bonifazio de' Pitati
Virgin and Child in a Landscape with St. Joseph, the Infant St. John the Baptist, and St. Elizabeth, 1520-1525

Studio of Jacopo Palma il Giovane - Scene from the History of Joseph, 1575-1600

Studio of Jacopo Palma il Giovane
Scene from the History of Joseph, 1575-1600