

Men, Renaissance

11 Items Found | Page 1 of 1

Albrecht Dürer - A Man in a Fur Coat, 1521

Albrecht Dürer
A Man in a Fur Coat, 1521

Baccio Bandinelli - Self-Portrait, about 1545-1550

Baccio Bandinelli
Self-Portrait, about 1545-1550

Piero della Francesca - Hercules, about 1470

Piero della Francesca
Hercules, about 1470

Masaccio - A Young Man in a Scarlet Turban, about 1425-1427

A Young Man in a Scarlet Turban, about 1425-1427

Giorgio Vasari - Musicians, about 1545

Giorgio Vasari
Musicians, about 1545

Hans Holbein the Younger - Sir William Butts, about 1541-1543

Hans Holbein the Younger
Sir William Butts, about 1541-1543

Agnolo Bronzino - Study for a Figure in 'The Resurrection', about 1548-1552

Agnolo Bronzino
Study for a Figure in 'The Resurrection', about 1548-1552

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Vittore Carpaccio - A Gondolier, about 1514-1520

Vittore Carpaccio
A Gondolier, about 1514-1520

Follower of Domenico Tintoretto - A Procurator of San Marco, late 16th century

Follower of Domenico Tintoretto
A Procurator of San Marco, late 16th century