

Interiors, Renaissance

9 Items Found | Page 1 of 1

Piermatteo d'Amelia - The Annunciation, about 1475

Piermatteo d'Amelia
The Annunciation, about 1475

Giovanni di Paolo - Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Giovanni di Paolo
Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Unknown Italian artist - Three Women, 15th century

Unknown Italian artist
Three Women, 15th century

Italian, Venice - The Birth of Caterina Cornaro, 16th century

Italian, Venice
The Birth of Caterina Cornaro, 16th century

Follower of Cosmè Tura - Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s

Follower of Cosmè Tura
Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s

Unknown German artist - The Annunciation, 1450-1550

Unknown German artist
The Annunciation, 1450-1550

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni - Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni
Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Cosmè Tura - The Circumcision, about 1470-1479

Cosmè Tura
The Circumcision, about 1470-1479

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Presentation in the Temple, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Presentation in the Temple, 1490-1515