

Architecture, Renaissance

6 Items Found | Page 1 of 1

Piermatteo d'Amelia - The Annunciation, about 1475

Piermatteo d'Amelia
The Annunciation, about 1475

Sandro Botticelli - The Tragedy of Lucretia, 1499-1500

Sandro Botticelli
The Tragedy of Lucretia, 1499-1500

Giotto - The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple, about 1320

The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple, about 1320

Herri met de Bles - The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Herri met de Bles
The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Giovanni di Paolo - Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Giovanni di Paolo
Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Follower of Cosmè Tura - Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s

Follower of Cosmè Tura
Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s