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Paul César Helleu - The Interior of the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, about 1891

Paul César Helleu
The Interior of the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, about 1891

Baccio Bandinelli - Self-Portrait, about 1545-1550

Baccio Bandinelli
Self-Portrait, about 1545-1550

John Singer Sargent - El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: half section, left)

John Singer Sargent
El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: half section, left)

Howard Gardiner Cushing - Among the Rocks, 1906-1916

Howard Gardiner Cushing
Among the Rocks, 1906-1916

Martin Mower - Isabella Stewart Gardner, 1917

Martin Mower
Isabella Stewart Gardner, 1917

Sandro Botticelli - The Nativity, about 1482-1485

Sandro Botticelli
The Nativity, about 1482-1485

Denman W. Ross - The Beach, about 1908

Denman W. Ross
The Beach, about 1908

John Singer Sargent - Yoho Falls, 1916

John Singer Sargent
Yoho Falls, 1916

John Singer Sargent - Astarte, 1893-1894

John Singer Sargent
Astarte, 1893-1894

Joseph Lindon Smith - A Theater in Mukden, Manchuria, about 1905

Joseph Lindon Smith
A Theater in Mukden, Manchuria, about 1905

Piero della Francesca - Hercules, about 1470

Piero della Francesca
Hercules, about 1470

Antonio Mancini - The Standard Bearer of the Harvest Festival, 1884

Antonio Mancini
The Standard Bearer of the Harvest Festival, 1884

Paul H. Tilton - Venice, 1886

Paul H. Tilton
Venice, 1886

Raphael - Count Tommaso Inghirami, about 1515-1516

Count Tommaso Inghirami, about 1515-1516

Andreas M. Andersen - Surge of the Sea, about 1900

Andreas M. Andersen
Surge of the Sea, about 1900

Alesso di Benozzo (Il Maestro Esiguo) - The Crucifixion, about 1480 - 1500

Alesso di Benozzo (Il Maestro Esiguo)
The Crucifixion, about 1480 - 1500

Edouard Manet - Madame Auguste Manet, 1863

Edouard Manet
Madame Auguste Manet, 1863

Giulio Aristide Sartorio - Agro Pontino, 1894

Giulio Aristide Sartorio
Agro Pontino, 1894

Baltasar de Echave Orio - Don Diego Caballero, 17th century

Baltasar de Echave Orio
Don Diego Caballero, 17th century

Charles-Emile Jacque - Sheep in the Shelter of the Oaks, about 1870

Charles-Emile Jacque
Sheep in the Shelter of the Oaks, about 1870

Francisco de Zurbarán - A Doctor of Law, about 1635

Francisco de Zurbarán
A Doctor of Law, about 1635

Giovanni di Paolo - Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Giovanni di Paolo
Christ Disputing in the Temple, about 1450-1459

Paolo Veronese - The Coronation of Hebe, 1580s

Paolo Veronese
The Coronation of Hebe, 1580s

Paul H. Tilton - The Lido, 1894

Paul H. Tilton
The Lido, 1894