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174 Items Found | Page 2 of 8

Dennis Miller Bunker - The Brook at Medfield, 1889

Dennis Miller Bunker
The Brook at Medfield, 1889

Circle of Giovanni Bellini - Christ Carrying the Cross, about 1505-1510

Circle of Giovanni Bellini
Christ Carrying the Cross, about 1505-1510

Simone Martini - Virgin and Child with Saints (Church of the Servites altarpiece), about 1320

Simone Martini
Virgin and Child with Saints (Church of the Servites altarpiece), about 1320

Sandro Botticelli - The Tragedy of Lucretia, 1499-1500

Sandro Botticelli
The Tragedy of Lucretia, 1499-1500

John Singer Sargent - El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: dancer, torso)

John Singer Sargent
El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: dancer, torso)

Francois Boucher - The Chariot of Venus, 18th century

Francois Boucher
The Chariot of Venus, 18th century

Louis Kronberg - La Gitana, 1920

Louis Kronberg
La Gitana, 1920

Herri met de Bles - The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Herri met de Bles
The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Giotto - The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple, about 1320

The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple, about 1320

Arthur Pope - Nasturtiums at Fenway Court, 1919

Arthur Pope
Nasturtiums at Fenway Court, 1919

Louis Kronberg - At the Window, about 1917

Louis Kronberg
At the Window, about 1917

Francesco Pesellino - The Triumphs of Love, Chastity and Death, about 1450

Francesco Pesellino
The Triumphs of Love, Chastity and Death, about 1450

Joseph Lindon Smith - Bust of Akhenaten, 1908

Joseph Lindon Smith
Bust of Akhenaten, 1908

John Singer Sargent - El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: half section, right)

John Singer Sargent
El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: half section, right)

Wilton Lockwood - Peonies, about 1913

Wilton Lockwood
Peonies, about 1913

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Love's Greeting, about 1861

Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Love's Greeting, about 1861

Edgar Degas - Joséphine Gaujelin, 1867

Edgar Degas
Joséphine Gaujelin, 1867

John Singer Sargent - El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: dancer)

John Singer Sargent
El Jaleo, 1882 (detail: dancer)

Albrecht Dürer - A Man in a Fur Coat, 1521

Albrecht Dürer
A Man in a Fur Coat, 1521

Jacopo Tintoretto - The Wedding Feast at Cana, about 1545

Jacopo Tintoretto
The Wedding Feast at Cana, about 1545

John Singer Sargent - A Spanish Madonna, about 1879

John Singer Sargent
A Spanish Madonna, about 1879

Pietro Fragiacomo - A Venetian Lagoon, 1880s

Pietro Fragiacomo
A Venetian Lagoon, 1880s

Simone Martini - Virgin and Child, about 1325

Simone Martini
Virgin and Child, about 1325

Baltasar de Echave Orio - Doña Inés de Velasco, 17th century

Baltasar de Echave Orio
Doña Inés de Velasco, 17th century