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European Art, Bible Stories

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Herri met de Bles - The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Herri met de Bles
The Story of David and Bathsheba, about 1535-1540

Jacopo Tintoretto - The Wedding Feast at Cana, about 1545

Jacopo Tintoretto
The Wedding Feast at Cana, about 1545

Unknown Italian artist - The Adoration of the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, 1525-1550

Unknown Italian artist
The Adoration of the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, 1525-1550

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: King David, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: King David, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Adoration of the Magi, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Adoration of the Magi, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Visitation, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Visitation, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Annunciation, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Annunciation, 1490-1515

Jan van Tiegen - Abimelech Restores Sarah to Abraham, 1550-1600

Jan van Tiegen
Abimelech Restores Sarah to Abraham, 1550-1600

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds, 1490-1515

Jan van Tiegen - Abraham Receives Rebecca, 1550-1600

Jan van Tiegen
Abraham Receives Rebecca, 1550-1600

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni - Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni
Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Jan van Tiegen - Abraham Dismisses Hagar and Ismael, 1550-1600

Jan van Tiegen
Abraham Dismisses Hagar and Ismael, 1550-1600

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Flight into Egypt, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Flight into Egypt, 1490-1515

Italian, Northern Italy - Three Scenes from the Old Testament, about 1650-1725

Italian, Northern Italy
Three Scenes from the Old Testament, about 1650-1725

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Betrayal of Judas, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Betrayal of Judas, 1490-1515

Studio of Giovanni di Francesco - The Dormition of the Virgin, with a Nun, about 1490

Studio of Giovanni di Francesco
The Dormition of the Virgin, with a Nun, about 1490

Unknown Italian artist - The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, 14th century

Unknown Italian artist
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, 14th century