15th Century, Figures

20 Items Found | Page 1 of 1

Gentile Bellini - Seated Scribe, 1479-1481

Gentile Bellini
Seated Scribe, 1479-1481

Francesco Pesellino - The Triumphs of Love, Chastity and Death, about 1450

Francesco Pesellino
The Triumphs of Love, Chastity and Death, about 1450

Sandro Botticelli - The Nativity, about 1482-1485

Sandro Botticelli
The Nativity, about 1482-1485

Piero della Francesca - Hercules, about 1470

Piero della Francesca
Hercules, about 1470

Bartolome Bermejo - Saint Engracia, about 1474

Bartolome Bermejo
Saint Engracia, about 1474

Francesco Pesellino - Virgin and Child, about 1453 - 1457

Francesco Pesellino
Virgin and Child, about 1453 - 1457

Andrea Mantegna - The Virgin and Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist and Six Female Saints, about 1497-1500

Andrea Mantegna
The Virgin and Child with Infant Saint John the Baptist and Six Female Saints, about 1497-1500

Piero del Pollaiolo - A Woman in Green and Crimson, about 1490-1499

Piero del Pollaiolo
A Woman in Green and Crimson, about 1490-1499

Unknown Italian artist - Three Women, 15th century

Unknown Italian artist
Three Women, 15th century

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: King David, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: King David, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: St. John the Evangelist on Patmos, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: St. John the Evangelist on Patmos, 1490-1515

Neri di Bicci - Saints Jerome in the Wilderness, the Ecstasy of Saint Mary Magdalene, and the Stigmatisation of Saint Francis, 1435-1440

Neri di Bicci
Saints Jerome in the Wilderness, the Ecstasy of Saint Mary Magdalene, and the Stigmatisation of Saint Francis, 1435-1440

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Adoration of the Magi, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Adoration of the Magi, 1490-1515

Follower of Cosmè Tura - Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s

Follower of Cosmè Tura
Saint Lucy and Saint Eutychia at the Shrine of Saint Agatha, 1480s

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: The Annunciation, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: The Annunciation, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon - Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Jean Bourdichon
Book of Hours: Job on the Dung Heap, 1490-1515

Lorenzo di Credi - A Boy in a Scarlet Cap, about 1448-1537

Lorenzo di Credi
A Boy in a Scarlet Cap, about 1448-1537

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni - Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni
Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, about 1430

Cosmè Tura - The Circumcision, about 1470-1479

Cosmè Tura
The Circumcision, about 1470-1479

Michele Giambono - A Bishop Saint, about 1420-1452

Michele Giambono
A Bishop Saint, about 1420-1452